Welcome to your Health Score Card Email Name Phone I have body aches and pains No Sort of / Maybe Yes I often get headaches No Sort of / Maybe Yes I have clear Health & Lifestyle Goals No Sort of / Maybe Yes I get 8 hours of quality sleep a night No Sort of / Maybe Yes I am stiff & sore when I get up in the morning No Sort of / Maybe Yes I actively seek help when I am in pain No Sort of / Maybe Yes I have signs & symptoms of stress No Sort of / Maybe Yes I put others needs before my own No Sort of / Maybe Yes I have a variety of strategies to help me relax No Sort of / Maybe Yes I keep pushing through and I don't let pain slow me down No Sort of / Maybe Yes I always inform my Therapist of any ache, pain & ailment that arises No Sort of / Maybe Yes I understand the importance of regular maintenance treatments No Sort of / Maybe Yes I only seek treatment from Qualified Remedial Therapists No Sort of / Maybe Yes I complete Medical History paperwork fully & accurately No Sort of / Maybe Yes I find it difficult to find the right Therapist to suit my needs No Sort of / Maybe Yes I have a great team of Practioners that work together to keep me going No Sort of / Maybe Yes I schedule my yearly health care appointments at the start of every year No Sort of / Maybe Yes I am comfortable enough with my Healthcare Team to ask them indepth questions about my health No Sort of / Maybe Yes I use all of my Private Health allowance every year No Sort of / Maybe Yes I know which Heath Practioner to see first when I'm in pain No Sort of / Maybe Yes I have taken some 'Me' time today No Sort of / Maybe Yes I know how to prioritise myself No Sort of / Maybe Yes I am too busy to schedule regular treatments No Sort of / Maybe Yes I don't plan Health Care & only seek an appointment on the day (where ever that may be) No Sort of / Maybe Yes I always commit to the plan that my Therapist maps out for me No Sort of / Maybe Yes I plan my daily routine & habits No Sort of / Maybe Yes I get up throughout the day to move/stretch No Sort of / Maybe Yes My life is relaxed & calm No Sort of / Maybe Yes I know how to manage my pain & stress No Sort of / Maybe Yes I know how to stay accountable for my health No Sort of / Maybe Yes Time's up